Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pretenders : or just the Actors...

Hey Friends...

Welcome back... :-)
Today in this lazy warm winter afternoon , I am here to write something again... :-| Ohk... I am "trying to" write something again ;-) and please forgive me in case you feel like getting bored or fu***d up after reading this :-P because I am myself back after giving two exams on consecutive days... x-( . From last 3 n half years , I have been giving the same reasons to most of my friends for not being in touch , "Sorry yar , exams the... " , "Heyy , belated Happy Birthday... next time pakka yaad rakhungi... promise.... " , "minors this time" , "majors that time"... and blah blah blah.... What else can be expected from an engineering student who has to face two minors , minor practicals , major practicals and major end sems every 5 months??? On an average , six exams every month!!! :-/
But with time everything comes to an end. And by everything I don't just mean the exams and college life but some friendships and many illusions , some moments and many experiences ... We all create a dreamworld for ourselves and start living in it with everything and every person of our wish... that we think is perfect for us. And then those wishes with in no time take the form of our needs giving rise to expectations and hopes. To fulfill those expectations a person starts doing all sort of things that he himself is unaware of. Like in an urge to become famous in a group or community , people try to impress others , some by showing off their expensive possessions , others do the same through their sweet and kind words , no matter they actually mean what they say or not. But then what do they actually want from others by doing all that crap?
Attention? Respect? Love?
Or something else?
Well , most of the times it is just because that they need to prove their superiority over others!!! And when this feeling starts giving them immense pleasure it becomes their only need and they get addicted to that.
But if it s only attention that you need from others , then how can you call them your friends??? They should be called your followers instead!!!
"This world is a stage and we are all actors" : something like that by William Shakespeare. ;-) (sorry but it is really very hard for me to remember the exact words always... ;-) ) Anyways , so everyone is just an actor who is supposed to play his role on this stage called world , according to Mr. Shakespeare. But what about those actors who start pretending to be like someone else, some other actor?
Kind and sweet words always win hearts, but what if when you know the ugly truth behind those beautiful and polite words??? Can you still respond in the same way you used to before knowing that??? Hmm... too difficult , in fact impossible for me for most of the times. It is better to be called arrogant and rude rather than joining the company of those who wear different masks in front of different people. Sometimes I wonder how do people change not only the meaning of their words but themselves completely just to show others that they are moving ahead of time and no one can beat them. But is it really worth changing yourself completely , looking and behaving like someone else who you think is a perfect example of modern and ideal world ??? Some people when asked put all the blame on "the situations" they had to face , the unwanted "adjustments" they had to make to remain in pace with the world. Well , for me it is just the lack of will power and willingness that make you and your principles to mutate everytime !!! Individuality and originality are the two things that are always appreciated and that last forever... So , always do what your heart says but don't ever neglect your very own faithful and beautiful mind too... ;-) ... just a thought , not an advice :-) .

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.. Its a freaking awesome blog :)
    Was so thought provocative that i had to blog a comment for this :) Here goes my reply for it :)


