Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mistakes... What I learnt from them...

You must be wondering "what an idiot , didn't she have any better idea to start her very first blog ???"(though this is my third , but posting for the first time ;-) ) .

Well friends... this is me... Shalini , and I welcome you here . I used to write a lot in childhood days (3-4 years back ;-) ) and tear those pages after sometime :-p (you must have understood now why i wrote "childhood" ;-) ) . But now after such a long time , finally "trying to " write something which i am not sure ll have some meaning but does everything that we read has got meaning??? Yeah... it does... but don't expect much from here ;-) .
Anyways , enough introduction. Now coming back to the topic."Mistakes...".
So , what do we learn from our mistakes? Well,very simple answer... not to repeat them in future. But in my case I think what I have learnt is to make even bigger mistakes . :-| yes , and this thought is bugging me the most these days. Am I really that stupid or just fooling myself ? about what... that even i have to find out. May be it is just the tension about my future (it is the final sem :-( ) or is it something else? I really don't have any idea. :-|

From the very first standard in school , I was always made the class monitor. Reason : quite obvious . :-/ But at that time I used to enjoy the power , then after passing out from primary , I came to know that my classmates had given me the title "Hitler" . But I never deviated from the path that I was following unknowingly . And as a result I was awarded with even better titles : bandit queen , jhansi ki rani , policewali . Then after school , I wanted no one from my school or anyone i knew earlier to be in the same college as that of mine so that I could create a better image this time ;-) and my destiny took me to Hindu College , DU's one of the most renowned college. The first couple of months there were just superb but later I realized that that was not the right place for me , so came to IGIT !!! And what makes it so special? It is a girls' college. :-| . One thing that I always had in my mind was , that whatever happens , I ll never go to any girls' college. Reason : quite obvious ;-) , naah... it s just because though the probability of fighting with guys is more than that with gals but probability of talking again after fight is also more in the former case :-D . Ohh yeah... I am a Capricorn... born warrior n rebel :-D . So here comes to an end the story of the first mistake ;-) . But one thing that I am damn sure is that , I ll be missing my IGIT a lot after sometime :-( .
Gauche , I have grown too old. x-( !!! Final sem... :-( But still the best compliment that i get when I go to some family gathering or any function is " Ohh Shalu beta , you are looking verrrry sweet!!! " (as if i am wearing a baby outfit with two ponies on my head and a balloon in my hand !!! x-( ). WTF!!! Someone tell them that I am about to pass out from college!!! Even good will do but sweet... eww... :-/ Now , what is my mistake here, even I don't know. All I know is that according to those aunties and uncles I become even younger with age... That means I ll vanish in air very soon... :-o
The choices that we make in every phase of our life shape our future accordingly. Some choices make you feel proud while some others force you to call them "experiences" if in case you just want to fool yourself by denying the fact that you really regret making them. And the credit of naming them as experiences goes to our very own "EGO" . In a way, it is right also otherwise no one can ever stay happy because every person , at some stage takes some or the other wrong decision. When the choices were wrong because they were bad , you can still call them mistakes but what will you do when you know that this time your choice is the best, but still it is wrong ??? What will you call it??? Well , I call it "THE BIGGEST MISTAKE" .

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